the POP your copy audit 

a concentrate tincture of Mary’s copy magic—

(for 1/10th the price)

Let’s get your Copy Popping!

You don’t need an edit, you need an audit.

Get my eyes, ears and nose all up in your copy

so you can finally finish and launch the damn thing

without feeling rushed, compromised, or stressed

about all the words, words, words*

Whether your work is just emerging from the hallowed halls of google docs or you’re already established on the hard knock streets of the interweb—the copy audit is the most in-depth, empowering, and efficient way to get your show zhuzhed up and (back) on the road.

*20 nerd bucks if you know the Shakespeare character who says this.

The pop YOUR Copy Audit

I do a deep dive review of your copy and messaging platform, applying the in-depth 20-point framework I’ve developed and use when writing for my private clients.

Ya’ll have been asking for this for years, and I’m excited to finally be offering affordable, efficient, high-level feedback on your drafts!

I assess your work for:

  • Clarity and Coherence:

    • Clarity and impact of the bedrock message

    • Organization and coherence of the primary and supporting ideas

    • Transition and copy flow throughout page

  • Audience Attunement:

    • Emotional connection with audience

    • Audit of any scarcity, coercion, manipulation or other smarmy hooks  

    • Effectiveness and impact of messaging on intended audience

    • Tone, voice, and language alignment (with specific demographic)

    • Resonance and trust building suggestions, clarifications and highlights (as relates to their specific desires)

  • Value Proposal:

    • Clear communication of UVP (unique value proposition)

    • Compelling, honest, authentic distinctions: why your thing is so special 

    • Full ownership/embodiment of your value: editing excess explanation, justification, or writing-to-prove

    • Persuasive, not pushy

    • Compelling, not coercing 

  • Call to Action (CTA):

    • CTAs clear, prominent, and compelling

    • Correct action; explicit, effective

    • Strategically placed throughout the copy

  • Engagement and Readability:

    • Word choice, wordiness, syntactic structure, rhythm, meter

    • Tone and voice feedback for engagement, connection, attention 

    • Headlines, subheadings: alluring and action oriented

    • Stylistic choices aligned with audience: feedback on branding and visuals (as relates to readability and brand clarity)

    • Audience engagement: are they inspired to keep reading?

  • Brand Voice Consistency:

    • Writing for your unique voice, tone and personality

    • Consistency throughout platform

    • Alignment with values, identity and vision

    • Suggestions on emerging Brand Lexicon (to codify over time for content creation)

  • Grammar and Spelling:*

    • Grammar, typos, spelling and punctuation

    • Formatting inconsistencies 

*note: grammar feedback will be generalized and because this is not finished copy, it will not be polished MLA/Chicago formatted like my DFY (done for you) client copy. 

Articulate + Embody

that seething brilliance of yours

starting NOW

Here’s how it works:

  • You send me links (google docs ok) to 4-6 pages of copy.

  • You can also include social links, blogs, or other supplemental material that showcases your work, voice and scope. I will include feedback and strategy on any social media platforms in my review.

  • I devour everything and read it at the level I read and review my own client work.

  • I send you a loom video walking you through everything: what’s working, what’s not, what to add, what to delete, what needs to be changed, moved around, reworked, removed, revived, revised. I give you pointed suggestions, explanation, insights and in some cases, swipe copy. It’s fun. I get BOSSY.

  • While I do not write or explicitly rewrite anything for you, if you integrate my feedback thoughtfully—it will be as close to my flaming hot and bothered, creme de la creme, Done-For-You copy as you can get… for literally 1/10th the price.

Claudia Cordova Rucker: Business Owner & award-winning author

“My data proves it; hiring Mary was the absolute best investment we could have made. She found the words to translate my soul.”

Madison Nees: Radical Aliveness Facilitator

“I didn't know if I could go from the level of confusion I was experiencing in my business to clarity with such a short offer. Mary absolutely delivered. Mary has an unparalleled ability to venerate the deepest parts of a person and business. She was able to pull me away from my confusion and help me realize how much clarity I already had. She pushed me to go deeper than I could have possibly gone by myself.

She helped me find something even more valuable than clarity. A cauldron of my own wisdom that I can dip into. She helped me embody my own knowing in a world that asks us to play small and scared.”  


words words words

words words words


How long will it take?

Once you pay and submit your intake form, I usually complete the audit within 10 days. If I’m really busy, 2 weeks.

Will you be in-line editing my drafts in google docs?

No. You’ll get a complete transcript of my feedback and a robust, highly detailed Loom video (screen recording your work, so you can follow along, rewatch and repeat as much as you want). If you would like in-line support of your drafts, reach out to me about copy coaching.

Will you look at notes, brainstorms, incomplete pages?

Sure thing. I get it. Creative unfurling is messy sometimes. The Copy Audit will give you immensely valuable support wherever you’re at in the process. I got you.

What if I have more than 4-6 pages?

The scope of this service is 4-6 pages (your base website, essentially). If you desire me to review more, ask me about add-ons.

Are you going to completely unravel the beloved drafts I spent 6 months writing?

Ah yea, probably. That’s why you’re hiring me. But don’t worry, I’m gentle-ish. I usually tier my feedback by priority and will focus on 3 main suggestions you can do to take your writing to the next level. Chances are, it’s probably already fabulous and with a bit of zhuzh will be sexy…and profitable. If it’s really not in the arena of what I consider powerful and effective copy, I’ll tell you—and I’ll tell you exactly what to do to get it there.

More questions? Reach out!